dimarts, d’agost 24, 2004

KDE a Sarge

Sobre la discussió de si portar o no el KDE 3.3 a la inminent nova versió estable de Debian (serà Sarge, l'actual testing), en Cheney com sempre és un caxondo però diguin el que diguin s'ho curra bastant (i molts altres també) per a que tots poguem disfrutar d'aquest escritori a Debian.
[*] On Sun, Aug 15, 2004 at 04:33:47PM +0200, Rene Engelhard wrote:
> Chris Cheney wrote:
> > I did not upload KDE 3.3 to try to have a nice shiny new release in
> > sarge, it just seemed to lesser of the evils and considering the current
> ah, and breaking other packages and the release plan with your upload
> *without warning or dicussion* is a lesser evil? aha..
> Could someone please hijack KDE?

There is no need to "hijack" KDE, I have been trying to give it away for years now. It seems no one else is insane enough to take it. :
o aquest altre,
[*] On Sat, Aug 14, 2004 at 09:50:52PM -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:
> If you maintain KDE-related packages that still need to be updated for
> sarge, this means that you will need to upload your changes to
> testing-proposed-updates after discussing them with the release team
> first, because any packages built against unstable will have an
> unsatisfiable versioned dependency on kdelibs. You can thank Chris
> Cheney for this turn of events.

Yep, thank me. :P Of course if they had uploaded them prior with KDE
3.2.3 they still would never have gone into sarge anyway due to most of
the buildd's being broken and/or hopelessly slow. In fact today I have
been tracking arts in mipsel queue and every hour it goes further back,
it seems mipsel has no chance of ever catching up. Its really a pity
Ryan refused the extra buildds earlier this year.

Chris Cheney
Cal dir que en Langasek té part de raó. Als upgrades de KDE a unstable hi ha una setmana transitòria en que paquets de l'antiga i la nova versió es mesclen mentres es van empaquetant (normal). És evident que deixar-ho d'aquesta manera a la distribució estable resultaria poc agraït. Afortunadament els mantenidors s'ho prenen professionalment. Jo em vaig preparant per enviar reports dels bugs de la versió 3.3 ;-)

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